old forehead ornament

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3 months ago

An old forehead ornament from Yemen. According to Ransom (see literature) it is from Marib or the Jawf. Constructed of a old Maria Theresa thaler coin, backed on leather and decorated with coral colored glass beads. Strips of leather keeps the ornament attached to the head.

From mid-20th Century.

The Maria Theresa Thaler is probably one of the most famous and well known coins of the world

Originally struck in Austria from 1740 to 1780, the Thaler was the currency of the Austrian Empire. It was very important for trade with the Levant (parts of Turkey, Lebanon, Syria). Over time, the Maria Theresa Thaler became the best known and most popular silver coin in the Arabian world and the unofficial currency in some areas of Africa and Asia. The 1780 taler was the only silver coin that the Arabs trusted and would accept.


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